Side Effects

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: The use of Cialis offers no protection against sexual transmitted diseases. Counseling patients about the protective measures necessary to guard against SEXUALLY transmitted diseases, including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) should be considered.
The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Cancer (NSABP) B-14 trial evaluated the incidence of endometrial cancer in women with node-negative, estrogen receptor-positive, invasive Nolvadex 20 mg randomized to receive either placebo or Nolvadex 10 mg 20 mg per day for five years after undergoing primary therapy. Compared with the placebo group, the relative risk of endometrial cancer among tamoxifen-treated women was 7.5.

Male Menopause

Do not take this medicine if:

  • You have taken Generic Paxil tablet Sandoz before and became unwell.Tell your doctor or pharmacist before taking the first dose;
  • You are taking pimozide or thioridazine (medicines used to treat certain mental and emotional conditions);
  • You are taking any other medication for the treatment of depression (major depressive disorder) or have done so in the last two weeks.You must not take Paxil 20mg Sandoz until two weeks after stopping monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs (MAOIs). Examples of MAOIs are phenelzine and tranylcypromine. There may be others so please check with your doctor. Taking Paroxetine Sandoz with a MAOI may cause a serious reaction with a sudden increase in body temperature, extremely high blood pressure and severe convulsions;
  • You are taking or have recently taken (within the last two weeks) a medicine called methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue).
Persons taking Generic Paxil Sandoz may be more likely to think about killing themselves or actually trying to do so, especially when Paroxetine Sandoz is first started or the dose is changed. People close to persons taking Paroxetine Sandoz can help by paying attention to changes in user’s moods or actions.
Orlistat can make it harder for your body to absorb certain vitamins, and you may need to take a vitamin and mineral supplement while you are taking generic Xenical. Follow your doctor’s instructions about the type of supplement to use. Take the supplement at bedtime, or at least 2 hours before or after you take Orlistat 60mg.


Dealing with the underlying cause of ED is a much more effective way to improve your SEXUAL health. Talk with your doctor about your ED to find out which treatment methods are right for you.


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